Mural Commission Inquiry


I’m always excited to start a new mural artwork. In order to make sure if I’m the right artist for your project I have a few quick questions:

- What would you like your artwork to include?
- Is there a previous artwork of mine that you liked and would like something similar?
- What are the dimensions of your proposed site?
- Do you have a specific timeline for your artwork to be completed by?

Once you have emailed me with the above info, I will email you back and ask for photos of your site to help me understand the scope of the project. I will also ask for a photo of the site with a person in frame so that I can better understand the scale of the site.
When you take the photos can you please ensure to stand as far back as possible and show the ground and surrounds so that I can see if there are any above hazards (like power lines or over hanging structures) and some of the ground to assess if I require a lift and what the access is like to the site.

Thank you, I look forward to creating your artwork.